Raspberry Pi - Intercom
A wireless, configurable software driven intercom for the house sounds great. Here on this page, I’ve listed out a number of the steps that I took to transform my Raspberry Pi into an intercom where I could communicate from my PC to the PI in real-time. Unfortunately, the USB audio card attached to my PI that provides a jack to connect a mic, did not provide very good quality back to the PC. I tried to modify the sampling rate, but didn’t have much luck. Here are the setup steps and commands that I used.
- sudo raspi-config
- sudo rpi-update
- sudo apt-get install lynx screen festival ffmpeg libjpeg8-dev imagemagick subversion libjpeg8-dev mplayer libasound2-dev bison python-dev python2.7-dev python python-alsaaudio linphone python-dev python-rpi.gpio tightvncserver
- tightvncpasswd
- tightvncserver
- #Connect to VNC server from the other machine. Type mumble. Choose the ALSA audio card instead of Pulse.
- linphonec -C
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo dpkg-reconfigure mumble-server
- sudo modprobe snd_bcm2835
Last modified: 04/03/2020